Thank you all for your wonderful comments from my previous
post about Logan and the handwriting struggle, it really meant a lot to me. Handwriting is such a chore for him and he emotionally gets so upset that it's hard to make him do additional practicing besides the homework assignment. We've started working on embroidery projects and he is loving it. His hoop is always out on the table and ready for him to work. His imagination soars when it is in his hand, he creates these stories about what he is making like rocket ship marks in the sky or robot poop (the crafty mama is so proud...haaahaaa). Also we are getting a sandbox to work on writing in the sand with a stick. Please leave a comment in you have any other suggestions of activities we could try to help develop his fine motor.
Also try putting a hoop in your child's hands...it's really a lot of fun to see what they come up with. I bought
plastic needles and
burlap fabric and yarn and a
hoop. All of it can be picked up at your local fabric shop, I've also added it all to the
CocktailMoms Shop, and it's really cheap. Happy sewing.
Some fine motor ideas:
-using tweezers to put melty beads onto pegboards (improves pincer grip) or move other small objects
-cutting letters out of sandpaper for child to trace over with their finger
um... I'll try to think of more.
One thing that I did with my older son that was amazingly successful and popular with him was writing in cool whip! The teacher recommended shaving cream, but I didn't think he would like it if he put his finger in his mouth...at least this way, he got a reasonable activity and a quick clean-up!
I have been wanting to try this with Piper for so long but haven't really known where/how to start. Thanks for the tips! I think she'll love it.
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