Sharing recipes, crafts and frugal living, the challenges and triumphs of parenting a neurotypical child and a child on the Autism Spectrum. Yoga Instructor said goodbye to her nightly glass of Chardonnay to give up habits that were not serving her purpose in life! The CocktailMom name remains, however with a new focus on healthy and authentic living.


Custom Pocket Headboard

We recently got a bunk bed from a neighbor on Freecycle and I made these custom headboards to cover the metal bars and add much needed storage. Before the boys would take books to bed and wake with them rumpled in the am. Now they can store their night time toys and books in their pocket headboard. I also added a see thru vinyl pocket to put pictures in. I recycled the vinyl from the packaging of a tablecloth. The entire project is very easy to make and great for beginner sewers. My pocket headboards are attached with buttons and reinforced with Pellon® Peltex® to make it a bit studier. Instead of attaching to a headboard you could hang it from a wall near your child's bed or hang on hooks from the bedside. Both of my kids' are enjoying their secret pockets and I'm enjoying the "lights out-stay in your bed" rule.


Anonymous said...

What a great idea. Keep those ideas coming.
Love, Grammy

CindyLooHoo said...

Now that is THE coolest thing I have seen in a while! Great job- especially with re-using the package from the tablecloth. I did some creative re-using the other day, and thought of you. We bought some new bamboo sheets for our bed, and they came in a bag of sorts, with a toggle closure. I am now using the bag to carry shoes in my work bag to save anything from getting dirty. Will probably use it also as a undergarment bag when we go on vacation next week. I thought...hmm...Gretch would be proud. :)

EllieD said...

Great idea, especially since you've managed to recycle lots of materials! Here's a small suggestion for a new incarnation - how about little pockets for the tooth fairy? Might make a nice little change for kids expecting the tooth fairy (and a lot easier to access for the "tooth fairies" too!).


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