Here in Boulder, and I'm betting all College towns, August is a goldmine of street finds. My latest is this adorable table that I intend to use as a vanity.
My vision is to refurbish the table top with a ceramic mosaic. However, tomorrow is my first day back to school so I'm not sure when I will get to that project. Which is actually a good thing as I have not mosaic-ed anything ever before.
If any loyal blog readers have experience with mosaic techniques, please drop me a line. Gretchen and I would love to post the information in a guest blog column.
you and your vanities..you're too cute!
Hi Jessica,
This is ages later, but I know Gretchen and I do mosaics. If it is a wooden table top, you can just use Elmer's glue and glue opaque glass or broken china plates onto the wood. then you grout it. you can get the stuff from Home Depot in the section for tiling bathrooms or you can go to Michael's and get the premixed grout. I actually like the Home Depot stuff better. You get a powder and mix it with a liquid and get it smooth like cake batter. I think the liquid is called Admix.
Put on rubber gloves and cake on the mix and then wipe off with a damp sponge. (Keep a bowl of water handy) because you'll need to do this a couple of times. Let it dry overnight and you are in business.
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