You will not believe how easy it is to make your own laundry soap. After my google search I found a ton of recipes involving boiling soap, buckets..I don't have the time for all that crap. I need simple and easy and CHEAP! And then I found it on one of the blogs I regularly read, Our Yellow House.
All you need is featured in the photo: castile soap, Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda and Borax. Just mix one cup of the washing soda and one cup of borax in a container with a lid. Grate one entire bar of castile soap. Mix. And you are done. Seriously it doesn't get easier than that. And it's even fun for kids to do! I use 2 tablespoons per load. On heavy soiled clothes with grass stains, I do have boys afterall, I also throw in some Oxi Clean.
This is great for your wallet and the environment.
For any local folks I purchased the borax and washing soda at the co-op and the soap was cheaper at MOM's.
totally cool.
I have been doing this now for a few months also. Love it!!!
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