We've had meetings with all the folks that make up his IEP TEAM and the principle and after much convincing we feel as though we have finally gotten through to them that Logan needs to be in another class. Many of his special therapists agreed that he needs to be in a more social environment, the class he's in right now is not what I would call social. Though I know there are others who will disagree with me.
All in all, I'm not happy with my choices of education. It's so sad that the Montessori method of teaching was originally developed for children with mental and physical disabilities and that those schools are now not available to the people who could really benefit from them because they are so freakin' expensive. I looked into the local charter Montessori school, which is free, but they are full for Logan's age and also they won't take kindergarten unless the child has had previous private Montessori school experience. And to top it off it's a lottery process to get in!
And so right now we wait for the principle to call and tell us when he will be moved. If the phone call doesn't happen we'll be making an appointment with an advocate. What this school needs to realize is that Jon and I are fighters when it comes to our children. We won't be pushed aside and forgotten.
Things must change...
This makes me so angry and sad to read (and hear about). You and Jon have worked so hard and have done such a great job with Logan, that it is frustrating that the school isn't reinforcing that.
It's not fair to Logan.
Gretchen, I support you fighting for your children's best interests-isn't that what we are supposed to do as vigilant, caring and involved parents?!? I wish you the best in your fight-we are the best advocates for our children-keep up your strength, you aill overcome!
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