When I get really busy the first things that I let go of are blog writing, eating right, and exercise. This doesn't make it right. I like and value this activities. It is just another bad habit I have to break. Seems like half my life sometimes is trying to break my bad habits.
Anyway, one of the methods I use to counter-act my bad habit of dropping exericise the minute my date book gets filled is the exercise program on FitTV called Gilad's Total Body Sculpt. Thanks to DVRs I can easily record a couple esposides of this show and when I claim to myself I don't have time to go to the gym...I also have to admit to myself that I do have time to do a 22 minute workout with Gilad.
Gilad's been around in the fitness world forever. I actually remember working out with him and my Mom years ago when I was in high school. He has two or three programs running on FitTV these days and can be seen 5-6 times throughout the day. I prefer Total Body Sculpt because it has a little bit of everything. The show has 3 segments. The first segment is an areobic warm up. The next segment focuses on 2-3 specfic body parts and often uses weights (5lb or 10lb dumbells if you have them) to train those parts. For example the other day was thighs, triceps, and back so we did multiple sets of squats then moved on to tricep kickbacks and ended up with sets of one-arm dumbell rows. The final segment is a killer ab workout followed by some stretching. Overall the workout isn't enough to burn off a cheeseburger but it does raise my heartbeat for 22 minutes and keeps me in the exercise mode. Once I've missed more than 2 or 3 days of working out it is often hard for me to start up again.
So if you only got 22 minutes give Gilad a go - if you got more time go for a walk or hit the gym. Now, if I could just figure out the trick to not allowing weeks between my blog posts!
1 comment:
Have you ever looked at myyogaonline? I am able to pay 10.00 per month to stream videos on yoga and pilates...2 minutes to 90 minute sessions...great for early morning stretching:)
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