Yes I am already making Christmas gifts, it is September people!! Every year I make calendars for a handful of people,
here you can see my previous post about it. This year I wanted to do something a bit different and I am not going to give it away just yet since some of the recipients of the calendar read my blog, but I found these awesome Photoshop calendar brushes for free from
coolestbrushes.com and I had to share. You don't even have to be into scrapbooking to do this one. Click the download button and it will import into your brushes in Photoshop. Then layer the brush tool in Photoshop onto a picture like I did above, you could easily take those images to Kinkos and have them bound for you to make a calendar. Talk about a simple and quick Christmas gift..or teacher gift!
Here is what the
website says: "A set of 12 high resolution calendar brushes for Adobe Photoshop. One brush for each month. The width for each brush is approx 2500px - they're very big and versatile.
Brushes are free for Personal use only."
I am so excited about this, already I have ideas of layouts with the month overlay on the picture. So many options!!!
Kodak Gallery is having a one week sale where it's buy one get one free on all items except 4x6 prints. You could save some $ printing at least 2 calendars.
My comment has nothing to do with your brushes post but I could not find an email address for you (it is probably right in front of my face).
I have been reading through your blog and wanted to say that we have so much in common. Different but common.
I have a child with a very complex background that has been dx on the spectrum and not dx on the spectrum. It goes back & forth. Other than a label, what is important is that he is on an IEP. Receives OT, PT & ST. The only "consensus" is that he is ADHD (or whatever). Again, label. I have already gone into too much. I believe that my heart is overflowing (I probably should blog about this) :)
So, my whole point of this comment is to tell you "I am that Mother on the playground that cringes when her son does not act like the other kids." I am the mother "who notices the looks from other mothers". In no way would I ever understand walking in your shoes but I believe that I at least walk in one of your shoes. Our stories are very different but so much a like.
Reading your blog every step of the way-
Thanks for the heads up Allison.
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