Well last I wrote we were requesting him to change classes...well that didn't happen. After having many meetings with his teacher and working out some of the kinks...and I will say she has done a lot of changing for the better....I'm still not happy.
Now that I volunteer in the classroom once a week I get to see first hand how Logan is still being "left behind". He'd really benefit from an aide but the county has a hiring freeze and not to mention they don't pay those people well so the quality of folks applying is typically less than desired. Granted I have met some wonderful aides but I've also met (more) not so wonderful ones too. And I can't be in his classroom every day for the rest of his life, by his side helping him navigate the world. So we are looking at other options which means private schools. I'm in sticker shock with the non-religious schools...I can't justify spending what a year of state college tuition would cost for kindergarten. So if that means he has to pray during school- so be it!
Both Jon and I went to Catholic elementary schools so we're fine with that route.
Also after a recent county budget cut meeting they announced that they were closing more public schools which means more kids in each classroom. Already there are 23 kids in his class and it's way to many. The teacher having to manage so many kids means Logan is never getting the attention that he needs to stay on task. I fear what he would become if we kept him in the public school system, to be honest.
I've started touring local Catholic and Christian schools and all in all I'm excited about their class sizes. Praying they remain small in the fall when we would enroll Logan. And although he won't be getting the same services (OT & ST) that he is getting in the public school, I think having more one on one time with a teacher is what he needs more of. We will always do private Speech Therapy so I'm just not that concerned about it in the school, and I don't really see a lot of progress being made anyway in the school.
As always I will keep you updated on the situation...I pray that our new president will be the president to change education for the better in our country. I know in my heart that Logan is not the only child "being left behind". The difference is he has the parents that won't allow it to happen.
Oh Gretchen, I would miss knowing that I'd get to see you at a PTA meeting! But, I completely understand, and in many ways envy, your decision... I have friends with kids in a local Catholic school (not sure if it's one that you're looking at), but I could get you connected with a parental perspective.
Good luck... I hope you find the best fit for Logan!!
Oh my heavens!!!!!! Gretch! I am so sorry and so frustrated for you and Jon! I hope and pray that you are able to find the right place for him. -Wen
I know it must feel like you are going up hill with a load on your back, BUT knowing you and Jon, you guys can do it. Logan will be right there helping and so will the rest of us.
Oh Gretchen,
This just sickens me. Our national priorities are so messed up. Millions of dollars in taxpayer money going to Wall Street bonuses and not enough to education, and public transit, and health care.
We've truly become a poorer and meaner society.
[Anna, it's time to get off the soap box now.]
I am the chairperson of the special ed programs for two middle schools. It does seem like some parents just have an uphill battle all the time trying to get the right placement and right services for their children. It is a shame that every teacher is not as willing or able to tailor their teaching to all students, regardless of ability. I hope you get the outcome you are looking for in whatever placement you choose for Logan.
Emily Burtt-Oliver
Every morning I wake up and I wanna fight the school system. How did it get so bad so fast? And now it's only getting worse with the budget cuts. I'm wrote a letter to Obama a few days ago. LOL! I doubt it will help.
I am so sorry you are having to fight this battle. Knowing you and Jon you can do this and make it work. My kids too have been to Catholic school and I would say they turned out pretty good. The classes were small and they got much more attention. Hopefuly it is still that way and it works out for Logan.
Hang in there
love you, Suzie
Gretch, you are amazing. Logan is the luckiest boy in the world to have you as his mommy. I believe in all of you. Love Raven
Hi! I found your post on Vintage Chica Eren's blog and came over here to read and to encourage you. If you decide to homeschool, you will be able to still provide plenty of social opportunities. If you wanted to, you could probably find an activity to do with other homeschooled children every day of the week. I also have 2 boys, and the oldest (K) is possibly on the spectrum. When we visited the public school, I was horrified. I was homeschooled and had already planned to homeschool our children, but as you know very well, we need to look to see what is best for our children, especially the special ones. After spending most of his years in different therapies it turns out that being home with me is really good enough for him, and better than anything else! :) Being with his little brother is like having a personal coach and best friend who both accepts him as he is and challenges him to TRY. I know each child and each situation is different. I hope to encourage you that if you, even a little bit, want to homeschool and believe it could be good for your son, go for it! You could even try it over the summer, and you might find yourself hooked. :) By the way, I was in both private and public school before being homeschooled, and I know first hand that it can be such a joyful way to learn! I have such fond memories spending my high school years doing math lying by the sea, and you could usually find me doing "school" somewhere outside. For breaks, my siblings and I would play out in nature or make up songs and skits or go teach the native children English. I will never regret missing out on another year of classroom boredom trying to stay focused on a teacher who was numb from repeating the same stories and lessons every year. Self confidence and a good self esteem are also perks, especially for a special child, being homeschooled.
P.S. I noticed our boys hold crayons the same way (with the fist). I recently got these crayons wwwcrayonrocks.com and they are small and have to be held with the fingers like they're supposed to. Wonderful! My son loves them and willingly uses them. I am going to use them with the Handwriting Without Tears workbooks. That program is very fun!
the correct link: http://www.crayonrocks.net/
I found your post on Eren's blog, as well. I'm curious to hear how the change to private school works out fo you. My oldest son has a "non-verbal" learning disorder, which is similar to Aspergers. He's actually in a special class room, which i've been very happy with - nine students, two aides, one teacher, and one therapist. This is ideal, but it was only after two absolutely horrible years in general ed., at the end of which he was so completely traumatized that he became violent and unpredictable. Now I'm facing a similar scenario with my younger son, who I believe has a similar neurological set up as his brother. Knowing what I know now I'm less willing to work within the system with him.
It's so frustrating the school system can't give kids the learning environment they need until they've precipitated a crisis. You know, when it comes down to it, we all have special needs.
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