I am so excited about the new bag I made out of shopping bags. There is no real pattern...I just wing it. But the whole thing is crochet with a N hook.
First fold the bag lengthwise and cut off the end and the handles. I cut the bag in 1 inch strips, each strip is a circle shape when unraveled, and then loop them all together and roll it up in a ball like you would yarn.
I used all different kinds of bags; bread bags, shopping bags, newspaper bags. My next project is going to be using only one kind of bag like the newspaper bags.
Wow, That really look great.
I will keep saving the plastic bag that the paper comes in, so you can make us a bag. AGAIN GREAT JOB.
that's really cool. love, wen
I thought this was so cool I was telling my family about it over the weekend. Well, it turns out that my great aunt used to do something similar in the wintertime. She'd take old bags and make rugs out of them for snowy wet boots! -Jen V.
Thanks so much for sharing how you created this neat back at the last Stitch 'n Bitch! You are so creative!
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