Sharing recipes, crafts and frugal living, the challenges and triumphs of parenting a neurotypical child and a child on the Autism Spectrum. Yoga Instructor said goodbye to her nightly glass of Chardonnay to give up habits that were not serving her purpose in life! The CocktailMom name remains, however with a new focus on healthy and authentic living.


Doorway Puppet Theatre

Zane is a performer, when he wants to be. He won't do the "single ladies dance" on demand but will break out in the middle of an Ikea aisle in front of the information table packed with onlookers when the song comes on over the speaker system. And then will bow when he's done as if the whole thing was planned. To say it's in his blood, is quite true. He gets his "dramatic" side quite honestly, a double dose in fact. We are celebrating Zane's 5th Birthday this weekend and I couldn't think of a better gift to make him than his very own puppet theatre. It's quite a simple design, I knew I wanted to make something that wasn't permanent and ideally can be washed. (kids even at 5 can still be quite sticky!)
I used a curtain tension rod at the top to secure the puppet theatre within a doorway. I also added dowel rods above the stage and below it to frame the area. I picked up 2 of the cutest puppets from Melissa and Doug, these hand puppets are great quality!
Come on over, grab a seat and let the show begin!


morninglight mama said...

This is awesome, Gretchen, and these things sell for over $100, so your craftiness is once again too cool! :)

Happy birthday to your adorable not-so-little guy!

Dara said...

What a FANTASTIC idea!!!!!

(now am wondering how I can adapt to my classroom)

Happy birthday Zane!

annasoc said...

This is the cutest thing. You could sell these on Etsy for beaucoup bucks.

VeganCraftastic said...

How fun, I always wanted a puppet theatre when I was a kid!

gia said...

LOVE THIS! I want to come to the performance! What an awesome gift! :) Best mom EVER!

gia said...
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Unknown said...

Also happy birthday to Zane and you have come up with another great one girl. Zane is lucky to have such a resourceful mom.

Zahila said...


I've been wanting something like this for the longest time. I've got a puppet stage but it is made from a huge box and space is always a constraint here.

Can tip me in how to make this?


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