I saw this post on Stacy Julian's blog and she saw it on Amy Krose Rosenthal's blog....and the chain continues. Amy created this cute little movie about the 22 things she's learned from being a mother. I love these exercises! I love taking a moment and reflecting, in this case on motherhood and what I have learned. Take Stacy's advice and make your list before reading mine, it is quite amazing the similar things we have all learned.
1. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich paired with a chocolate chip cookie really is the perfect meal.
2. Everyone could use an attitude readjustment every now and then.
3. Children deserve to be given choices, you may just have to remind them to "choose wisely" (a phrase I say to my 4 year old on a daily basis)
4. Water is therapeutic.
5. Pipe cleaners supply hours of entertainment.
6. Paint on your clothes is a sign of being SUPER creative.
7. It's only furniture, walls, carpet. They can be replaced. A joyful childhood can't.
8. Follow through. Say what you mean and be willing to follow through with that.
9. Sponge Bob band-aids are much cooler than plain ones.
10. Have a snack in your bag "just in case"
11. It's just hair!
12. Be careful what you promise, some kids remember EVERYTHING!
13. I really do have eyes in the back of my head.
14. The most relaxing place on earth is holding a baby to your chest, lips resting on their fuzzy head, inhaling their perfect baby smell and swaying back and forth.
15. The 3 second rule applies to everything, even ice cream.
16. Anything...absolutely anything can be turned into a gun.
17. Naps are always better when you curl up with someone you love on the sofa.
18. No one looks at your child's clothes and thinks less of you because of the outfit they have chosen to wear.
19. Dress up clothes can be worn anywhere and should! Nothing brings more smiles and kindness to strangers faces than seeing Superman in their grocery store.
20. Slow down. Discovery happens when you are quiet and still and allow the butterfly to land on your shoulder.
21. Having a moment with a special friend is better than a BIG party.
22. Give enough time for a person to respond, some people process slower than others.
I LOVE these, Gretchen! So much wisdom, and sometimes (often!) needed reminders, for me especially. :)
(And thank you especially for #18, because Red has taken to dressing herself in the oddest combos, and I take it MUCH too seriously... I've got to chill and not worry about it!)
It took me a while to embrace #18 Dawn. Now I just say. "wow Zane that's an interesting outfit". haahaa. And then I have the other one who perfectly matches shades of blue!
Gretch, thanks for (yet another) beautiful post. I have had a sneak peek at #7 with months on end of caring for two sick cats. Puking diarrhea-ing, peeing - everywhere, I tell you couch, carpet - every room including Kennie's - even on the pillows! Ugh. Sadly, they both passed away after their long illnesses but I could never be angry at them. They were such a source of joy in our lives. I am in excited anticipation of re-learning #7 when Brian and I (gulp) have kids of our own. Love and miss you - and congrats on the new job! I'm sure you're doing great. xo
Glad I stopped by, Gretchen!
I just did my list. Thank you for reminding me how awesome being a mom is :)
found you via soulemama's moment of the day image. dig your blog! love this post and the one before about autism awareness month. :)
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